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On the application of MIDI technology
Release Date:2012-06-19 17:26

As we all know, held a large-scale live variety show television need to invest a large number of instrumental, vocal, and required dancers to participate. For the audio system in terms of the live site easier to problems (video scene with multiple cameras, the director can be any switch which camera lens; audio system is only one signal for the director of a site used). To do a live site foolproof, generally take the pre-recording the same period, play the audio tape. Whether it is vocal or, dance, or, many of the instrumental performer in the studio to do a lot of pre-recording work, a lot of manpower, money and time. The use of MIDI technology, it will save a lot of manpower, financial resources, time, improve efficiency several times.

        The basic concept of MIDI technology
        MIDI (set up audio and Midi) stands for musical instrument digital the interface, that is, the Musical Instrument Digital Interface, is also a dedicated instrument interface standard.

        MIDI is a communications standard, it is established by the manufacturers of electronic musical instruments, used to determine the program of computer music, synthesizers and other electronic audio devices to exchange information and control signals.

        MIDI system is in fact a composer, orchestration, electronic analog playing system. Transferred to another MIDI device up data is the MIDI messages from a MIDI device. MIDI data is not a digital audio waveform, but the music code or electronic music.

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